Friday, January 2, 2009

There's nothing wrong with talkin' a little dirty

I was reading another... (sigh) blog (man, I just really despise that word) that I really quite enjoy, called The Raw Deal, and cam across a great post, geared toward good girls who are a little too shy to be bad.

The post was about talking dirty (yes, you read that right) and why it's okay for girls to do it.

this is a quote from Luis (the author) himself:

"I have had the privilege of being sent this book to review, which you can find at The title grabbed my attention immediately of course. But as I began to read the content inside, I began to realize the genius behind the idea. The introduction kept my eyes glued to the pages. Why? Because it states exactly what is wrong with people and their perception of sexuality today:

Everything you’ve ever learned about your sexuality is a
At least in terms of “right” and “wrong,” that is.
What’s “right” is that we’re all human beings. What’s
“wrong” is that our sexual nature is governed by outdated
social scare tactics, which force us to deny who we are
Especially women."

Anyway, you should all check it out because it's really interesting, and, if nothing else, gives you another reason to use lude language.

And honestly, what is more fun than that?

Check out the Raw Deal post, and here's the link to the book again

Have fun talking dirty!

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