Monday, December 29, 2008

Alpha, Beta, & Omega- a little bit about boys

So you've all heard of Alpha and Beta males. Or maybe you've only heard of alpha males. Well, I'm here to tell you a little more about it.

Basically, these are the three types of guys: Alpha, Beta and Omega.

The Alpha males are the "leaders" of the pack. They are usually the loudest, suavest, blah blah blah. They think they're the shit, and they are usually right. most girls are attracted to them because they seem to be the most powerful. If you want to find a pack of guys, seek out an alpha male- others will usually follow.

Beta males are often mistaken for Omega males. Beta males are the "second in command;" but only after being tested. They are usually the next-most attractive, and tend to have the best personalities. They tend to harbor some resentment towards the alpha males, and are generally more sensitive.

Omega males are the forgotten category- most people think of Beta males. Omega males are kind of like the bottom feeder of the social hierarchy. They are self deprecating, usually the most drunk, and are generally sloppy or unattractive. They go one of two ways: either they are are annoying and obnoxious, or they are super nice and will do just about anything for you.

Now, the interesting part- how to snag any of these guys!

Alpha males are easier than you'd think to get; sometimes it's a little pathetic. All you have to do is smile at him once, then ignore him and talk to (or dance with) his friend for a good 10-15 minutes. Then, when the friend's back is turned, show some sort of gesture towards Mr. Alpha- wink at him, blow him a kiss, flash him your best come hither stare- then go back to ignoring him. Flirt with the friend, but flirt with Mr. Alpha when the friend's back is turned. Then, when the friend has to go away for moment (to the bathroom, to get another drink, whatever) go right up to Mr. Alpha, look him straight in the eye, and touch his arm. If you are feeling bold, whisper some thing in his ear. He'll be yours.

Why this works- Alpha males are subconsciously competing with their friends. Seriously. All the time. So when Mr. Alpha sees that you are secretly interested in him, when his friend is interested in you, it will excite him. He will think he is awesome for stealing you away- he will never suspect that this was your plan all along. The key to any Alpha male is to feed his ego when he doesn't notice it- he's used to people fawning all over him, that's why he's an alpha male. If he thinks he has to work for it, he'll want it. Simple as that.

Beta males are relatively easy as well, now that I think about it. Personally, I prefer beta males. (The actual definition of beta males, not the perceived definition.) The simplest way to a beta male's heart is to let him know you want HIM. Tell him how you think his Alpha friend is obnoxious, how you wish you could meet more people like Mr. Beta, and so forth. Even shoot a few disgusted looks at the alpha friend. Pay close attention to his body language- he'll be shyer than the alpha, but he'll still let you know he wants you, even if subconsciously. Just keep paying attention to him, and showing disgust to the alpha friend; you'll be golden. Don't show too much disgust openly, though, make it subtle. They are still friends. You just need Mr. Beta know that you prefer him.

Why this works- Beta males are really just alpha males who were pushed off the top of the pyramid, so to speak. By repairing their wounded ego, you give them what they really crave. It's pretty simple. They will get to feel like the big man on campus, and will get to laugh at their alpha friend, who they resent. It's a win-win for Mr. Beta!

Omega males.... all you have to do is pay any amount of attention to them, and they are yours. This works because, well, all the other girls are paying attention to the alpha and beta males! They are usually the quickest to buy you a drink, as well. Just be careful with omegas, as they also tend to be the hardest to get rid of... Hence why I'll never dance with another ginger in Canada.

good luck ladies, and let me know if you've got anything to add!


Anonymous said...

Genius! And so true.

What about Delta guys? These are the guys that are just 'so over this shit, man'...

And you can win his heart by being just as derisive of everything as he is!

Unknown said...

Yeah, this blog is years old, and nobody will see it. Well, I landed here in 2011, so whatever.

All this BS about how easy it is to get this guy or that might be successful, in the short-term, "just-wanna-get-laid-tonight" sort of way, but you're an awful human if you think you've "got" somebody that way.

Basically, you've figured out how to cheat-to-win at Bed Roulette. Meanwhile, you've fkd over the hearts of a half dozen guys, any of which may have been grateful to have met the "real" Chelsea, instead of the manipulative, "hot-in-the-crotch" Chelsea. Ask yourself, what did you really achieve?
Also, consider how they'll treat the next girl that shows interest.

Here's another view of it; Yes, you can win the attention of any person, if you lie to them and say you like them. We actual humans are suckers for that, every time.

I hope you've grown up in the 2 years since you wrote this blog. I'd love to find out, but I don't think I'd trust your answers.